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Sacha Ketterlin performing live at SchneidersLaden

On November 22nd, Sacha Ketterlin from the Higher Resonance label will show what it can be like to massage your brain with a modular synthesizer consisting mainly of Macbeth X-Series modules (see picture below) – an atmospheric and intense ambient performance is to be expected.

Sacha Ketterlin has been building his instrument for many years. His focus is on the careful compilation of modules for the perfect analog sound and to make as few trade-offs as possible in order to bring it to the stage. Especially during his ambient performances you can really feel the quality of the sounds, here no sacrifices are made. Chords don’t come from samplers or digital modules, but from precisely tuned Macbeth oscillators – you can hear the difference.

Thursday: 22th of November -> Start: 7:30pm at SchneidersLaden

The performance is limited to 20 persons, so…
Please write Timm (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for confirmation: Participation is free-of-charge as always!

Vermona Workshop with Tom Körting at SchneidersLaden

On November 15th Tom Körting shows what can be done with the fine modules made by Vermona. After having some more performance oriented Thursday during the last weeks, this workshop will be a bit more technical an in-depth. As a developer and manufacturer of synthesizers and effects units Vermona has shown for years already that they can offer uncompromisingly high quality, innovative concepts in their developments again and again. As a proof – have a look at the new fourMative Contour, an ultra-flexible envelope modulation generator that has just been released. But also classics like the fourMulator still manage to tickle creative impulses. Tobi Neumenann also reported on this at his workshop in SchneidersLaden. For this workshop expect some in-depth look at the Vermona modules and musical examples of what can be done with them.

Thursday: 15th of November -> Start: 7:30pm at SchneidersLaden

The performance is limited to 20 persons, so…
Please write Timm (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for confirmation: Participation is free-of-charge as always!

Workshop with Lady Starlight at SchneidersLaden

In November SchneidersLaden will continue with the last Workshopseries for this year – and we will start with a real highlight! A few days after her live performance at Berghain, Lady Starlight will open the next workshop series at SchneidersLaden. As a long-time friend and customer, Lady Starlight was already invited by SchneidersLaden to play at Berlin Atonal, at the Modular Schaltzentrale, this year. Together with Mark Verbos she presented 3 hours of uncompromising and improvised modular techno. So expect some raw, straightforward music made with machines on November 8th – starting at 7:30pm (as always) right after the regular Beginner Workshop.

Upcoming events at SchneidersLaden

The regular events on Thursday evening at SchneidersLaden have developed into a permanent institution among interested sound researchers. Not only Berliners like to come frequently, SchneidersLaden welcomes guests from all over the world to every event. With a varied programme and exciting guests, you can experience over and over again how direct the contact to manufacturers and artists is during the events and how much you can learn from them. Be it a Surgeon who talks about his experiences (and with his immense experience) about his entry into eurorack-land and about how he does what and what works at live performances – or Wowa Cwejman giving insights into the development of his sublime modules and who is open for suggestions for improvements coming from the audience during the talk (who would have thought it possible that there was anything to improve in the first place).
But other events were also very well received – there was the Theremin Workshop by Carolina Eyck, one of the most renowned players worldwide – who finally showed a way to master the theremin. Or the audiovisual laser-performance of Bernhard Rasinger, who impressively demonstrated that a laser can trigger a very special fascination, with its direct and immediate intensity. To name just a few of the workshops at SchneidersLaden.

What’s next?

In November SchneidersLaden will continue with the last Workshopseries for this year – and we will start with a real highlight! A few days after her live performance at Berghain, Lady Starlight will open the next workshop series at SchneidersLaden. As a long-time friend and customer, Lady Starlight was already invited by SchneidersLaden to play at Berlin Atonal, at the Modular Schaltzentrale, this year. Together with Mark Verbos she presented 3 hours of uncompromising and improvised modular techno. So expect some raw, straightforward music made with machines on November 8th – starting at 7:30pm (as always) right after the regular Beginner Workshop.

The following Thursday (November 15th) it will be a bit more technical again. Tom Körting shows what can be done with the modules from Vermona. As a developer and manufacturer of synthesizers and effects units Vermona has shown for years already that they can offer uncompromisingly high quality, innovative concepts in their developments again and again. The new fourMative Contour, an ultra-flexible envelope modulation generator, has just come out. But also classics like the fourMulator still manage to tickle creative impulses. Tobi Neumenann also reported on this at his workshop in SchneidersLaden.

On November 22nd, Sacha Ketterlin from the Higher Resonance label will show what it can be like to massage your brain with a modular synthesizer consisting mainly of Macbeth Series X modules – an atmospheric and intense ambient performance is to be expected. The following weeks event (November 29th) is dedicated to – the company, not that stuff in your brain that makes you happy but the modules between your fingers that make you happy. The manufacturer of eurorack modules (with maybe the most unusual panel designs) is going to present a live performance with their machines and talk you through the philosophy and ideas behind their designs. And to finish this extraordinary year of modular madness we welcome the person who started it all – Dieter Doepfer will be our guest on Saint Nicholas Day – December 6th!

So mark your calendars for the events you think are the most interesting:

  • 08.11 – Lady Starlight
  • 15.11 – Vermona
  • 22.11 – Sacha Ketterlin
  • 29.11 –
  • 06.12 – Dieter Doepfer
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