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Get your discounted tickets for SUPERBOOTH19 now!

The pre-sale for SUPERBOOTH19 has started. Until the end of December you can get the Early Bird tickets for SUPERBOOTH19 at a special price. The international trade fair for electronic musical instruments expects 250 exhibitors from all over the world. The fact that the annual event is more than just an ordinary trade fair has been proven again and again. From 9-11 May there will be dozens of concerts, workshops and presentations every day in the FEZ Berlin.

Electronic music and Berlin – that fits. SUPERBOOTH19 once again puts electronic sound generation at the center of the world’s largest trade fair of its kind. The trade fair has thus become a real highlight, both in Berlin’s calendar of events and in international perception, which not only excites the exhibiting companies.

For many exhibitors and guests the way to SUPERBOOTH19 leads via the free boat shuttle from Berlin-Mitte. This makes the journey to the FEZ Berlin, which is located a little outside the city, a city tour on the water and very easy. Here is also the first opportunity to have a chat and make contacts.

Organizer Andreas Schneider is delighted about the great response from all sides and the many exhibitor enquiries for SUPERBOOTH19: “Of the exhibitors from this year, 80% have already confirmed their renewed participation. Therefore we are also looking for new exhibition space in the FEZ Berlin to confirm the still open inquiries of new exhibitors and to accommodate the expected 8000 guests”.

There is more news from the organizers: The media coverage at SUPERBOOTH19 is to be democratized. In order to allow the exhibitors an undisturbed set-up and to give the arriving media equal opportunities in their reporting, a general camera ban will apply on the set-up days of the fair. Thus small and large media should have the same chances to discover the news of the fair on the opening day during the trade visitor time. Andreas Schneider says that “small and large media should have the same chances to discover new things here, that’s why we have always had the trade visitor time”. This compensatory approach is also reflected in other aspects of the trade fair – e.g. in the selection and positioning of the exhibitors, through which large and small manufacturers are presented equally side by side.

The tickets can be found here:

Snazzy FX featured in the SynMag 71

In the newly released Synmag 71, you can find a detailed report about Snazzy FX pedals and modules starting on page 24. Dan Snazelle from Queens in New York built cool, psychedelic guitar effects in the beginning, and for some time now he has been designing unusual Eurorack modules. His front panel designs are legendary! The modules are now also available from us. Have a look here!

Cookies with Dieter Doepfer at SchneidersLaden

Ever wondered how your modules taste? Whether a VCO feeds longer than a filter, for example? This big, important question might be answered on December 6th! Dieter Doepfer is coming to SchneidersLaden to bake some cookies with you! For the last workshop night of this year we prepared this very special evening for you – join us and not only get a free cookie, but also learn more about recent developments by Doepfer.

As a special treat Dieter Doepfer will be doing the Modular Beginner Workshop! Your chance to be guided into Eurorackland by the person that started this format for modular synthesizers. And because Dieter Doepfer is a great guy, you will get a cookie (or two) – fresh out of the oven – that were baked at SchneidersLaden!

December 6th – starting at 6pm -> join our Modular Synthesizer Beginner Workshops!

Cookies and talk at about 7:30pm!

The performance is limited to 20 persons, so…
Please write Timm (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for confirmation: Participation is free-of-charge as always!

Nicolas Bougaïeff – live performance for

This evening is dedicated to – not that stuff in your brain that makes you happy, but the modules between your fingers that make you happy. The manufacturer of eurorack modules (with perhaps the most unusual panel designs) presents a live performance by Nicolas Bougaïeff with devices from After the performance Nicolas will be there to answer your questions.

Thursday: 29th of November -> Start: 7:30pm at SchneidersLaden

The performance is limited to 20 persons, so…
Please write Timm (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for confirmation: Participation is free-of-charge as always!

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