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Frap Tools - USTA Sequencer unveiled at Superbooth 2019!

USTA is a 4×4 tracks sequencer for voltages and gates with variable stage duration, designed to quickly see and edit multiple voltage relationships in real time.

“Variable stage duration” means that every single stage duration can be individually set in relation to the clock, instead of being constrained to a one-to-one ratio (i.e. one stage per every clock impulse).

“4×4 tracks” means that every stage can store and generate up to four separate voltages (two CVs and two gates), and that up to four independent stage sequences can be arranged into as many different tracks.

Its architecture is based on an array of 16 ‘Stages’ which form a ‘Pattern’; 16 patterns form a ‘Track’, and four tracks form a ‘Project’. Within each track, each stage can provide two gates and two CVs, and a wide set of options is available to define and modify the value of each output (‘Layers’) and the way it is played (‘Colors’).

Every Stage is related to a dedicated stepped encoder for quick and intuitive editing, and all the 16 encoders are arranged in an oval layout with a circular playhead. Every encoder is surrounded by a ring of 16 LEDs and a RGB led, to provide a visual feedback of the current setting of that step basing on the layer you are working on (like raw CV, quantized CV, length, gate…) and the way it should play depending on the RGB color. - New modules unveiled at Superbooth 2019!

Ground Control

  • 42hp eurorack modular performance sequencer workstation
  • 2 octaves of keyboard, play sequences and grooves on the fly or use external USB/ MIDI gear or DAW integration or control external MIDI gear
  • arbitrary, up to 64 steps per pattern, 24 patterns per track, 24 projects
  • dedicated mute bus quantized to pattern length
  • 4 tracks: drum with 8 triggers and 3 melodic CV/ Gate tracks. Velocity and CC transmits and recorded by MIDI
  • works also as a power supply for your modular system (same as Shuttle Control) or can be powered by a buss power
  • two record modes: step input with step editing and live recording
  • arpeggiator, roller, patterns queue, live notes removal, quick transpose


  • fast and effectvie 6hp VCO with autotuning and octave shift
  • Strong Zero VCO core delivers powerful thru-zero linear FM
  • modulation index with pre-patched self-modulation to create FM synthesis blocks on the fly
  • sine/fold output features famous  Furthrrr Generator folder - odd+/even output has a pre-patched sub-oscillator for even deeper bass action

Squawk Dirty To Me

  • simple and effective 6hp VCF
  • 8 filter modes available with meta CV scanning, famous zero-delay feedback Grand Terminal filters
  • additional hi-pass filter in series quickly cuts the low boomy end


  • fast and effective envelope generator with variable slope curves and three modes: looping, attack-sustain-release (ASR) and attack-decay (AD)
  • 320 khz samplerate, zero aliasing CV generation
  • 1v/oct input, bipolar and unipolar outputs, selectable end of cycle outputs
  • thru-zero VCA input that inverts the envelope when CV goes to negative voltages

Milky Way

  • simple and effective 6hp stereo FX module
  • 8 types of effects available with meta CV scanning, 2 famous Airways and Darkwaves banks (more banks coming soon)
  • volume control with VCA


  • portable 2hp power module for compact skiff cases with dual passive mults
  • 12 to 20V DC input
  • up to 1A from +12V, up to 700mA from -12V via flying busboard

AJH Synth - New modules unveiled at Superbooth 2019!

Precision Voltages

Sometimes real precision is required with pitch control voltages - this module features a super accurate "Cal" output, which is accurate to <1mV over 20V, translates to one cent over 20 octaves! It is ideal for calibrating the scaling of VCO's, indeed we have been using our own version of this circuit to calibrate our own MiniMod VCO's for the last three years.

As well as being a precision voltage source it is also a very accurate voltage adder, it has two channels (A & B) and both full volts (octaves) or 1/12th volt increments (notes) can be either added to or subtracted from the incoming signal. Perfect for adding a voltage offset to the output of a sequencer or it can be used to add switchable octaves to a VCO which only has coarse and fine tunes controls.

It also has a "mix" output, which allows either A channel on its own, or with the three way toggle switch channel B can either be added to, or subtracted from channel B, and this is in addition to the addition and subtraction per channel mentioned earlier..

Dimensions: 10HP wide, 26mm Deep


Entropic Doom

This 14HP wide module is a voltage controlled noise based oscillator, or noisillator for short. It generates 1/f noise and this is then sent through a feedback loop which allows the noise to be "tuned" to varying degrees depending on the settings of the frequency and resonance controls, or incoming frequency or resonance CV's. The tuned circuit can be FM modulated too, for some thunderous sweeping sounds. We have bright and dark outputs, which are pre and post filter respectively. The Bright output will always have a degree of noise present in the signal, whereas the Dark output can be tuned noise only when 4 pole resonance is selected. We also have an external Sync input, which will reset the resonant waveform, and we also have an Audio input, so that an external signal can be mixed into the resonant loop. Combinations of external waveforms to these two inputs can create some massive drone sounds, or sweeping sync sounds.

There is also an XOR ring modulator, which can be used as a module in its own right too. Lastly, we have an XOR amplifier, which is another independant circuit that can be used to add noise and distortion to any audio signal.

Dimension: 14HP wide, 26mm Deep


Lunar Module

Here's a bit of fun for all fans of space missions from the previous century! This module is designed to re-create the ground to space and space to ground transissions from the Apollo era.

To be "Mission Control Houston" the Quindar PTT (push to talk) button adds a short 2,525Hz Quindar tone to the start of the transmission, then at the end of the message the PTT button or switch is released and a short 2,475Hz Quindar tone is added to the audio. The bandwidth is slightly reduced in this mode.

For "Astronaut comms" we press the Capsule PTT switch, which allows us to add colored noise, distortion, bandwidth reduction and either hum or LGM (Little green men space tone) noise to the audio signal.

Obviously the Lunar Module can also be used to add noise, hum, distortion, bandwidth reduction and LGM noise tone to any modular level audio too, and if the mic is left attached theremin like sounds can be added too with careful loudspeaker feedback.

Dimensions: 6HP wide, 26mm Deep

Alex4 at the Superbooth 2019

Alex4 is ready for Superbooth 2019! 

Come around in room 354 and check out the new modules in a cosy atmosphere! 

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