Focus: TouellSkouarn
TouellSkouarn just released the Distresañ module a really great Stereo 3 band EQ with nice saturation and is still working on the release version of his Germanium mixer Kemmerskañ.
Meanwhile a nice feature was published on Youtube by Audiorial. It's in French, but you can switch on subtitles if you don't speak French. We highly recommend to check it out to learn more about Gael's world.
New Firmware for the Quasar!
The Quasar gets even more powerful - v2.0 is now available for download from the Neuzeit Instruments website!
This update includes:
- Stereo delay! Turns Quasar into the ultimate space time machine, also without headphones!
- Screensaver, pro-active OLED burn-in protection
- Re-written audio engine with enhanced algorithm
- Doppler effect option
- Small improvements across the whole menu
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