Neuzeit Instruments Quasar Firmware Update 1.10
Neuzeit Instruments just released a new firmware update for the Quasar. Download it here.
*** NEW FIRMWARE 1.10 ***
- Quasar 1/2 Split view - see both QSR1/2 next to each other
- New LFO waveforms:
--- Random with Slew (25%, 50%, 100%)
--- Random with Jitter (10%, 50%, 95%)
--- Random CV Trigger with Slew
--- Envelope Follower with adjustable Bandpass frequency
- LFO and env.-follower speed range adjustable (Slow, Medium, Fast)
- LFO Sync to CV clock (from 64 clk/cycle to 1 clk/cycle and up to 16 cycles-per-clock)
--- You need to configure the CV clock as mapping target of either CV1 or CV2 first
--- LED rings show the clock status by their color:
--- --- green: CV clock present, LFO is running
--- --- yellow: CV clock changes tempo or has more than 10% jitter
--- --- red: CV clock not detected, LFO not running
--- --- white: LFO is in SYNC mode but CV1/2 are not mapped to this LFO’s CV clock[/list]
- IN1/2 Mono/Stereo Mode
- CV Map amount up to +-200% instead of +-100%
- Filter in Hz instead of %
- Volume in dB instead of %
- LFO „Random“ waveform generates a new random value that is at least 15% different to the old value
- Small changes regarding the LED ring colors
Fixes and improvements:
- Big encoders have different sensitivities depending on the current menu, especially handy for selecting options
- Brightness below 25%, dark blue of LED rings went completely off, stays blue now
- Saving a preset with empty name gets „User Preset“ as default name
- CV Trigs with duration < 3ms were ignored. Now, also really short Trigs are recognized.
Animal Factory Amplification Manuals
You will now find all manuals for Animal Factory Amplification here.
Doepfer New Vintage Versions
The following Doepfer modules are now available also in the vintage version:
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