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Frap Tools 411 (Quad VCA)

The 411 is a quadruple linear VCA, mixer, and multiple for audio and CV. It consists of four linear VCAs with semi-normalled inputs and CV inputs, −6dB attenuation switches, a mixed output, and an unpatched output. The 411’s architecture allows using it in many ways, for example:processing four signals independently;modulating one signal with four CVS and sending it to four different destinations;mixing up to four signals and modulating them with the same CV;mixing two audio signals and modulating them with a modulated CV...


  • Four DC-Coupled linear VCA´s
  • Semi-normalled signal and control inputs
  • Mixed outputs
  • -6 db Switches
  • Open by Default


Power consumption: 35mA at +12 V and 25mA at -12 V

Depth: 38mm

6 HP

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