Digitalanalog 2020 retrospective
The Digitalanalog Festival from Munich has now uploaded the complete performances - all streams (cut together without breaks and possible dropouts) as videos.
Watch the streams here!
Tokyo Festival of Modular - Dieter Doepfer
The TFoM2020 took place this year on November 14th as an online event, streaming from the TFoM YouTube channel. It includes exclusive interviews with Richard Devine and Anthony Baldino. Dieter Doepfer show some of his latest modules with a video message from his workbench!
Tokyo Festival of Modular 2020 ONLINE
The TFoM2020 will take place as an online event this year on the 14th. of November. Streaming from the TFoM YouTube channel.
It will feature exclusive interviews with Richard Devine, Anthony Baldino, Make Noise, and more!
Doepfer at GearFest Online 2020
We are pleased to present Doepfer's video participation at GearFest Online 2020.
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