Doepfer A-121sV Stereo Multimode Filter Delayed
We have to announce a delay of one month in the production of the Doepfer A-121s Stereo Multimode Filter. The module should be available by the end of July.
Miso Modular Cornflakes
Miso Modular Cornflakes, being a granular sampler, does not play its samples back conventionally, but splits them into smaller bits called grains. Furthermore, the grains are divided into four simultaneous voices to allow for polyphonic pitch control or harmonization.
The module has the ability to time-stretch, pitch-shift and produce harmonics. It’s calibrated to 1v/oct to encourage a bit of musicality. Recording and playback can be triggered manually or via CV.
The module features 32 memory slots for samples stored on an SD card and you can run audio through it live for real-time processing.
There are manual and CV control over Speed, Diffusion, Harmonics, Pitch, Grain Size, Position, Trim and Distribution.
Audio format:
- Stereo
- 48khz, 24-bit sampling
Frap Audio
We are excited to announce a new brand in our Portfolio: Frap Audio.
Their first product is a dynamic processor for the 500 series, the DYNAMICS 2806. It will be available in the coming months.
You can find detailed information here.
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