Dannysound - Timbre - Wavefolder
The Timbre is a 6HP Eurorack module based on the wave folder section of the Buchla 259 oscillator as implemented in the Music Easel.
The wave folder adds extra harmonics to input signals that have low harmonic content to create rich and interesting timbres. Typical input sources to use would be Sine and Triangle waves but you are welcome to try other sources as well! The Dannysound Timbre adds an extra input to the Buchla design to allow 2 oscillators to drive the wave-folder simultaneously – this dramatically increases the range of possible tones that can be generated and allows the folder to go wild!
- Osc1 / Osc2 Mix - Adjusts the mix between the Oscillator 1 and 2 inputs, also acts as an attenuator if only one input is used.
- Timbre Control - Adjusts the overall amount of wave fold
- Timbre CV - Bipolar (attenuator) controls the Timbre CV input
- Symmetry - Adds an offset to the input so that the top half of the wave begins to fold earlier
- Blend - Mixes between the clean and effected sound
- DSt
Power consumption: 46mA at +12V and 48mA at -12V
Depth: 25mm
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